Exodus, the Story of Rescue: God is Our Strength

Sunday, January 13, 2019 (Sunday Worship) Exodus 17: 8-16 & Deuteronomy 25: 17-19| scott lowe Series: Exodus, the Story of Rescue [powerpress] Exodus 17: 8-16 & Deuteronomy 25: 17-19 Exodus 17 The Amalekites came and attacked the Israelites at Rephidim. 9...

Exodus, the Story of Rescue: Water of Grace

Sunday, November 25, 2018 (Sunday Worship) Exodus 17:1-7| Mike Wenzler Series: Exodus, the Story of Rescue [powerpress] Exodus 17:1-7 All the congregation of the people of Israel moved on from the wilderness of Sin by stages, according to the commandment of the Lord,...

Exodus, the Story of Rescue: Bread of Heaven

Sunday, November 18, 2018 (Sunday Worship) Exodus 16:1-5, 17-18, 26-35 Ryan Hughs Series: Exodus, the Story of Rescue [powerpress] Exodus 16:1-5, 17-18, 26-35 They set out from Elim, and all the congregation of the people of Israel came to the wilderness of Sin, which...

Exodus, the Story of Rescue: The Great Escape

Sunday, November 11, 2018 (Sunday Worship) Exodus 14: 11-31| Scott Lowe Series: Exodus, the Story of Rescue [powerpress] Exodus 14: 11-31 11 They said to Moses, “Is it because there are no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the wilderness? What have...

Exodus, the Story of Rescue: The Liturgy of the Lamb

Sunday, November 4, 2018 (Sunday Worship) Exodus 12:1-14| Ryan Hughs Series: Exodus, the Story of Rescue [powerpress] Exodus 12:1-14 The Lord said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, 2 “This month shall be for you the beginning of months. It shall be the first...

Exodus, the Story of Rescue: Battle of the Titans

Sunday, October 28, 2018 (Sunday Worship) Exodus 7:1-13; 9:13-21| Ryan Hughs Series: Exodus, the Story of Rescue [powerpress] Exodus 7:1-13 And the Lord said to Moses, “See, I have made you like God to Pharaoh, and your brother Aaron shall be your prophet. 2 You shall...