Childrens Ministry

Stephanie Mikkelsen is our children’s ministry coordinator. If you have any questions about your children or if you are interested in volunteering, please contact Stephanie at
Gracelittles Nursery
Ages: 6 weeks – 3 years
When: 9:15am – 12:00pm
Gracekids Children’s Church
Gracekids children’s church is offered during the sermon for children ages 4 years old-2nd grade. The children are dismissed at the end of announcements. It is a great idea for parents to habitually ask your children what they learned about in children’s church each week so that they are sure to listen and remember their lesson. Please do not allow older children to come to children’s church unless they have permission from the teachers ahead of time.
Ages: 3 year olds – 3rd grade
When: 11:00am* – 11:40pm
*children are dismissed during church announcements
Gracekids Sunday Mornings
Gracelittles: Infants – 3 years old in the nursery
GraceKids (3 years-3rd Grade): In the lower level. Children are dismissed following the annoucements.