For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Matthew 6:21
You invest yourself and your resources in that which you value and love. Giving or tithing is simply the response of a Christian to God and all He is and all He has done!

How to give to Grace Church Presbyterian
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To give by text message text GIVE to (970)800-2376
By Card or Bank
Give securely by credit card or bank account:
Mail a Check
Grace Church, 300 Whedbee Street, Fort Collins, CO 80524
*All gifts are tax-deductible
A Steward, by definition, is a caretaker. In times of old, the Steward of a manor was one who was carefully chosen and employed by that manor’s Master to watch over and care for the Master’s property. The Steward, far from being the owner himself, is rather a trusted servant. This also is the Biblical concept of Stewardship. If we faithfully tithe, even give additional gifts, and live frugally, yet we hold onto the idea that we are the owners of anything, we have missed this vital concept. God is the owner of all, and we are His carefully appointed caretakers (Ps. 24:1 – “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it”).
A fellow church offers a 20 day study on the topic of giving which we highly recommend. Simply click on the following link to download the study!